Thursday, February 17, 2011

Alternative Finance to Debt and Interest

1. As far as property goes, if we rent to own with a sufficient deposit to cover eviction is all we need. If everybody is in the same boat, then it wont matter that we not allow a third party to enter with the prospect of 100% payment. Given that the third party will cause havoc and eventually become our master, it seems a small price to pay.

2. Financing business, though a little more complex, can be done through stock ownership or what is called equity finance. Businesses will have a greater chance to succeed if they don't have that oppressive loan payment to deal with. Currently, 'Blue Sky' laws have the affect of discouraging this type finance. And add to that a lack of local Stock Exchanges force us into the 3 or 4 now in place. Buying shares in productive business can serve as a social safety net as well. The dividends they produce can be used in any number of ways. And as you age, the more you accumulate which works out well as far as health care concerns. In terms of macroeconomics it sets natural boundaries for growth.

3. I believe cash will likely be the primary beneficiary of both these measures, since so much of our product cost is currently tied up in interest.

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